WORRY......Is It Really Worth It?
Every day, every moment, every second we keep worrying about something or the other it can be about studies, health, job, or just life in general. But are these miscellaneous things really worth worrying about? The answer is "NO, Definitely NOT!". If you reflect back you yourself would come to a conclusion that this worry is nothing but a waste of time as well as an added stress to your already stressful life.
So, firstly, what is worry?
It is the state of being anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems.
Secondly, why should we not worry?
We should not worry about anything because
It is unreasonable because you cannot get anywhere without worrying. It is only a waste of time. Instead of using your precious time worrying you can invest it in utilizing your time more productively. Such as trying to solve the problem which caused you to worry or even better eliminating the cause of worry completely.
It is unhelpful because worrying does not lead to any conclusion no matter what you do. Because worrying about something you can do nothing about is useless, when you already know that you cannot help it or change the conclusion or outcome, why are you even worrying about it. Instead, just accept the fact and outcome and face the reality with a smile. Worrying about something you can do something about is pure stupidity because instead of sitting there and worrying you should be working hard in order to change the outcome or find a solution to your problem.
It is unnatural because worrying does not come to us naturally. This means if we constantly make an effort and remind ourselves consciously not to worry be can avoid it very effectively and also efficiently. It all lies in our mind we need to actively make an effort to prevent ourselves from falling into the trap of worry.
It is unhealthy because worrying leads to a lot of stress and anxiety and it adversely affects our health. It can increase your pulse rate along with your blood pressure. In some eccentric cases, it can also lead to panic attacks, stroke, and heart attacks. Sometimes due to worrying people experience lack of sleep and also anorexia(starvation) and bulimia(binge eating) thus leading to a very unhealthy lifestyle.
You know there are two days in a week you should never worry about, those days are 'YESTERDAY' and 'TOMORROW' because yesterday was a WASTE PAPER, tomorrow is a QUESTION PAPER and today is a GIFT that is why it is called "PRESENT" so you should live for today and always remember to take "Just One Day At A Time".
After all,
"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday"
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